Part IX Rule 9001. Definitions Rule 9002. Meaning of Words in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9003. Ex Parte Contacts Prohibited Rule 9004. General Requirements of Form Rule 9005. Harmless Error Rule 9005.1 Constitutional Challenge to a Statute— Notice, Certification, and Intervention Rule 9006. Computing and Extending Time; Motions Rule 9007. Authority to Regulate Notices Rule 9008. Service or Notice by Publication Rule 9009. Using Official Forms; Director’s Forms Rule 9010. Authority to Act Personally or by an Attorney; Power of Attorney Rule 9011. Signing Documents; Representations to the Court; Sanctions; Verifying and Providing Copies Rule 9012. Oaths and Affirmations Rule 9013. Motions; Form and Service Rule 9014. Contested Matters Rule 9015. Jury Trial Rule 9016. Subpoena Rule 9017. Evidence Rule 9018. Secret, Confidential, Scandalous, or Defamatory Matter Rule 9019. Compromise or Settlement; Arbitration Rule 9020. Contempt Proceedings Rule 9021. When a Judgment or Order Becomes Effective Rule 9022. Notice of a Judgment or Order Rule 9023. New Trial; Altering or Amending a Judgment Rule 9024. Relief from a Judgment or Order Rule 9025. Security; Proceeding Against a Security Provider Rule 9026. Objecting to a Ruling or Order Rule 9027. Removing a Claim or Cause of Action from Another Court Rule 9028. Judge’s Disability Rule 9029. Adopting Local Rules; Limit on Enforcing a Local Rule; Absence of Controlling Law Rule 9030. Jurisdiction and Venue Not Extended or Limited Rule 9031. Using Masters Not Authorized Rule 9032. Effect of an Amendment to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9033. Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Rule 9034. Sending Copies to the United States Trustee Rule 9035. Applying These Rules in a Judicial District in Alabama or North Carolina Rule 9036. Electronic Notice and Service Rule 9037. Protecting Privacy for Filings Rule 9038. Bankruptcy Rules Emergency Rules Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Learn more about Your browser does not support the video tag.