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An adversary proceeding is governed by the rules in this Part VII. The following are adversary proceedings:
(a) a proceeding to recover money or property—except a proceeding to compel the debtor to deliver property to the trustee, a proceeding by an individual debtor to recover tangible personal property under §542(a), or a proceeding under § 554(b), § 725, Rule 2017, or Rule 6002;
(b) a proceeding to determine the validity, priority, or extent of a lien or other interest in property—except a proceeding under Rule 3012 or Rule 4003(d);
(c) a proceeding to obtain authority under § 363(h) to sell both the estate’s interest in property and that of a co-owner;
(d) a proceeding to revoke or object to a discharge—except an objection under § 727(a)(8) or (a)(9), or § 1328(f);
(e) a proceeding to revoke an order confirming a plan in a Chapter 11, 12, or 13 case;
(f) a proceeding to determine whether a debt is dischargeable;
(g) a proceeding to obtain an injunction or other equitable relief— except when the relief is provided in a Chapter 9, 11, 12, or 13 plan;
(h) a proceeding to subordinate an allowed claim or interest—except when subordination is provided in a Chapter 9, 11, 12, or 13 plan;
(i) a proceeding to obtain a declaratory judgment related to any proceeding described in (a)–(h); and
(j) a proceeding to determine a claim or cause of action removed under 28 U.S.C. § 1452.
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